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aoisakana - blog owner
Friday, March 21, 2003
Communication in Roleplay
What would an inhuman character be without their abilities? ^^ Unfortunately with the mix of free form and pre-written characters, so are the abilities that each character possesses. This is where most fights break from IC fun to RT fights.
Best way to avoid this (aside from being descriptive in your moves) would be to keep conversation open in PM or some messenger program. This way, it will allow you to have an extra level of communication to sort out problems that may arise.
Being descriptive comes pretty much as a necessity when it's in a fight, especially one that deals with abilities. Not only would it make it easier (and save some time) on your opponent to describe your abilites in your post (instead of having them look it up in their books or on a website) it would reduce the amount of confusion done by simply listing out the abilites you've used. An ideal post would involve the same principles that I've listed previously. 'how hard is your character hitting?' 'where are they standing?' 'what are their weapons/powers?' etc. etc.
Again, key points: Communcation and Description.