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aoisakana - blog owner
Monday, November 10, 2003
Paying Attention to Other Posts
Pay attention to other people's posts even if they aren't directing it to you. You don't have to read them thoroughly but you should skim them over. Reason being that while they may not be addressing events directly to you, what they do may affect your character. How much is mostly left up to you. Because in real life you are often aware of your surroundings and you would be aware of events that would affect you. The same applies to your character. In the RP world, your character is a Real Person/Being and should act as such.
Example 1: A loud explosion in the street. Now you may decide that your character is just a street or two over and this will certainly draw your attention; or you may decide that your character is quite far from the explosion and they're standing outside a nightclub so they may not hear it or just attribute it to something mundane like tires bursting, etc.
Example 2: In New York at the moment, there is an RP going on where a chaos mist blankets the city (sidenote: I am not too sure if this is still on or not and the RP going on around this. If you're interested, you'll have to check out for yourself). Now, this is something only supernatural beings or beings that could sense chaos can notice. If your character isn't one of those then they won't be able to notice it; but if your character is, depending on the sensitivity, your character could sense it to varying degrees. Avemano, for example, in her human form would only notice a constant stink wherever she went. While in her shadow form she would be able to define it as a supernatural "smell". It is, again, up to you and what type of character you have.
Not only does this put you more realistically into the scene by making you and your character more aware of what is happening in their surroundings but if you are a new player starting to RP, it presents an opening for your characters to enter an ongoing RP more naturally.