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aoisakana - blog owner
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Presentation Part 2
This is related to rp like the presentation entry. This is just a little help you tip for html coding since most rooms deal with html now.
Lets start with the basics.
<b>example</b>: will bold your text: example
<i>example</i>: will italicize your text: example
<font size='7'>example</font>: will change the size of your text. Sizes ranges from 1-7 (7 is the largest): size 7 size 5 size 3 size 1
<font color='#000000'>>example</font>: will change the colour of your text. Input a hex value or name value. vis-bone hex colours is a good site for colours: #000000 #ff0000 #ffffff
<font face='garamond'>example</font>: this will change the font of the text: garamond times new roman book antiqua arial
<p>example: this will start a new paragraph .. usually does not need a closing tag: example
<br>example: this will start a new line .. usually does not need a closing tag:
<img src='http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v604/puccahime/avemanothumb.jpg'>: this will put an image into your codes .. does not need closing tags: 
<center>example</center>: this will center your text or image (whatever is between the two tags):
example Now the usual thing to do is center the image with your name and tags underneath. The usual size for the name is about font size 5 and the tags (as well as the text you'll be typing in) is font size 3.
for Avemano's codes I would do:
<center><img src='http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v604/puccahime/avemano.jpg'></center><center><font color='#990000' size='5' face='times new roman'><i>. . . | A v e m a n o | . . .</font></i></center>
which would end up like this:
. . . | A v e m a n o | . . .