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aoisakana - blog owner
Monday, April 14, 2003
Character Personality Part 2
Alright, let me just do a reminder post about playing your character right. I know I've already talked about this one time before, so this I'll be brief, but I -cannot- stress this enough.
Basically you can choose: to create a character that easily could've been another person you met on the street Or to simply type words on a screen and not really expand yourself. Since you're reading this, I'm assuming you'd rather not end up as the latter.
Okay. Once you've gotten your character set up: name, history, personality, abilities, strengths and faults. It's time to play! ^^
When playing your character, you need to keep in mind the qualities that your character posesses. Try to keep consistant with your character, if your character changes personalities at times, like in a specific situation, then that's fine. My character, Kuri, changes her personality with each role she takes on. Avemano's mostly childish but she does have a darker, more serious side. What I'm saying is that you do not have to keep just one personality for one character, but you do have to keep it constant. Don't write up one way then suddenly change to another simply because it suits -your- mood at the moment. Example: When I played Razelik, he was a very serious, very cold character. He would not suddenly, say, jump up and start doing the jig with a pooka...Ever. It's also hard for him to get close to people so he would not immediately become buddies with the first person that approached him and while he may protect those that he feel needs it, he may or may not call them friends. Just because I was feeling happy on a specific day does not mean I will have played Razelik in a happy mood. He's hardly in a happy mood; in fact, his main moods are: neutral and angry.
Again, character evolution. That happens, yes. Personality can change but rarely will it bounce around from 'a' to 'j' back to 'b' to 'd' and then back to 'a' not unless your character has multiple personalities, that usually doesn't happen in real life. But, like I said, personality can change; say if your character was a happy-go-lucky, laid back guy who worried about nothing and then one day suddenly saw their best friend killed in front of them. I would imagine they'd become a bit more paranoid, scared and withdrawn.
Nothing is impossible in the world of roleplay, that's true but on the whole...to get from point 'a' to point 'd' you have to go through the logical steps that precede point 'd'.